We understand how frustrating it Is to experience a breakdown, you were going somewhere and now your journey has been interrupted however breaking down can also be dangerous both on the Motorway and country roads. Here’s what you need to do to stay safe before you call us, and while we’re on our way.
- Make sure you’re safe. Try and get your car off the road (watch out for any soft verges), or pull up onto the hard shoulder if you’re on a motorway and can’t turn off at the next exit. Ideally stop as far to the left as you can, with the wheels turned to the left.
- Turn hazard warning lights on. Make sure you have hazard lights on and If it’s dark or foggy, keep your sidelights on too.
- Try and stay away from moving traffic. It’s safest to get out of your car (using the doors facing away from passing traffic) and wait behind a barrier. If you’re on a motorway, move up the bank if you can.
- Reflective jacket. Wear if you have one.
- Warning triangles procedures. If you’re on a motorway don’t put a warning triangle on the hard shoulder as it’s not safe to do so.. If you’re on a road and it’s safe, you can put a warning triangle at least 45m (50 yards) behind your car.
- Reach out to us for assistance if you need our help. Don’t attempt even a simple repair if you’re on a motorway. We also have an instant quote sytem which you can access here LINK
On a carriageway?
There’s no hard shoulder, so follow these steps instead.
- Try and get the vehicle off the carriageway.
- If this is not possible and you have to stop in a traffic lane, turn on your hazard lights as soon as possible.
- If you’re in the left-hand lane, and it’s safe to do so, get out of the vehicle on the left-hand (passenger) side and wait behind the barrier.
- If you can’t get out, or you’re in another lane and it’s not safe to leave the vehicle, stay in the car with your seatbelt on and dial 999.
If you have a disability which prohibits you from following these steps, keep your seatbelt on, switch on your hazard warning lights and use your phone to call us or the emergency services.
If you feel at risk from another person, get back into your vehicle using a left-hand door and lock all doors. Leave your vehicle again as soon as you feel this danger has passed.
If you can’t get to the hard shoulder, stay in your vehicle unless you can be absolutely sure it’s safe to leave it. Put your hazard lights on, keep your seatbelt on and call the emergency services.
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028 9503 0255

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