If you have been involved in a road traffic accident their is procedures that must be followed before you contact us for recovery

As a result of accident are these true?
- Someone is injured.
- Damage is caused to the cars.
Then you must:
- Stop and remain at the scene for a reasonable period.
- If the other driver or the police ask, supply your vehicle registration number, name and address, and that of the vehicle owner (if different) .
- For whatever reason you don’t exchange details at the scene of the accident, you must report the accident to the police ASAP.
If someone is injured:
- Call 999 and report accident.
- Produce your certificate of insurance and other personal details if anyone at the scene has reasonable grounds to see it. ( Injured party, Police )
- If you can’t provide this at the scene, you must report the accident at a police station as soon as you can and in any case within 24 hours. Reporting the accident to the police by telephone isn’t sufficient and you can’t ask someone else to report for you.
Regarding Insurance.
Regardless of whether you wish to claim yourself you must inform your insurance company of the accident.
What to do after the accident:
Collect and note down as much information – photographs and notes – as you can while at the scene. Use your phone to photo the scene, the cars, the surrounding junctions etc..
- Scene – date, time, location, weather conditions, traffic conditions, road markings/signs/signals.
- Vehicles – make, model, registration number, colour, condition, estimated speed, direction, use of lights or indicators, number of passengers.
- People – contact details, description/distinguishing features of driver(s), contact details of passengers, pedestrians or other witnesses, details of any police officers involved.
- Damage – description of the damage to vehicles or property, and any injuries to people involved.
Before calling a car recovery company in Belfast you should consider these 3 things.
If your car has been damaged it is unwise to attempt and continue your journey so get us here for assistance and we will be with you ASAP.
Call FREE on:
028 9503 0255

Give us a call and we will try and help you out.
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